Managed Security Services​

Our approach to Cyber Security is DIRECT: Data, Identity, Risk, Endpoint, Cloud, and Threat.
Under each domain, we offer specific services that range from consulting to managed services.







Managed Security Services

Once you have your technology and procedures in place, the next step is to actively and persistently defend your organization. vCyberiz’ Managed Security Services do just that, leveraging Microsoft’s security solutions and platforms.

We provide comprehensive oversight and proactive management of your organization security infrastructure. We employ advanced Microsoft technologies to deliver proactive threat detection, incident response, and continuous monitoring. Our team of cybersecurity experts work tirelessly to safeguard your digital assets, ensuring your business operations are uninterrupted and secure.

The value of expertise and experience in managed security services cannot be overstated. Seasoned professionals bring a wealth of knowledge gained from diverse scenarios, enabling them to identify and mitigate risks swiftly and effectively. Their experience allows for the implementation of robust security protocols, proactive threat hunting, and fine-tune defenses to align with evolving cyber threats. Their expertise ensures a proactive and adaptive approach, providing peace of mind by maintaining a resilient security posture and minimizing potential disruptions to operations. Our MSS are designed to provide businesses with a secure, reliable, and seamless digital experience.

Our Methodology








Data Protection

We provide specialized Managed Security Services (MSS) focused solely on data protection, leveraging Microsoft’s cutting-edge security solutions and platforms.

Our round-the-clock monitoring and support provide robust security to keep your valuable information shielded. From proactive threat detection to swift incident response, we protect it all, allowing you to concentrate on your core business without distractions.

Managed Information Protection
Protecting your digital identity is no longer a choice—it’s a must, in today’s interconnected world. We vigilantly monitor your Identity and Access Management (IAM), shielding it from potential threats. Our IAM services are designed to diligently control user access. We provide robust identity verification, access control, and audit trails, effectively managing digital identities and reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Utilizing the power of Microsoft’s security solutions and platforms, we ensure comprehensive protection, giving you peace of mind while navigating the digital realm.
Managed Identity Protection

In the complex world of digital security, managing risk is paramount. Our offering will mitigate risks, where we identify, evaluate, and quantify risks, and strengthen your digital defenses against potential threats. Our thorough approach identifies vulnerabilities, ensuring proactive protection. Our team of experts continuously monitors and analyzes your systems to detect any potential threats and vulnerabilities, and then implements effective strategies to manage any such risks. We prioritize your safety, ensuring peace of mind as you navigate the digital realm.

Security Assurance

Protecting your digital frontiers begins at the endpoint. Our comprehensive services, powered by Microsoft’s sophisticated security technology, focus on empowering your team through tailored awareness campaigns and ensuring seamless management of all your devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.

Our service includes advanced threat detection, incident response, and continuous monitoring to ensure your endpoints are always secure.

Stay ahead in safeguarding your endpoints with proactive measures as we diligently monitor and mitigate risks effectively.

Managed Cyber Awareness Campaign
Unified Endpoint Management

In this day and digital age, cloud security is more important than ever. Protecting your digital assets with our specialized Cloud Protection service. vCyberiz uses Microsoft’s robust security technology, to get you advanced threat detection, swift incident response, continuous monitoring and outstanding security protocols to safely harness all the advantages of the cloud. providing a secure foundation for your business operations.

Managed Cloud Protection
Empower your security with comprehensive Threat Management offerings. Powered by Microsoft’s advanced security solutions and platforms, our Threat Management services focus on your organization’s high-risk assets and include identifying active threats across all your tenants. We’ll provide robust contextual recommendations, built-in workflows, and application block capabilities to enable protection faster. Stay protected with our vigilant 24×7 monitoring, ensuring robust defense against modern cyber threats.
Cyber Defense Centre (CDC) as a Service
Managed XDR (no SIEM)
Unified Threat Management (no SIEM)

What's your Security Maturity Level?

Want to find out? Set your meeting now!

What's your Security Maturity Level?

Want to find out? Set your meeting now!